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Really, ‘Dr.’ Jill? First Lady Bragged About Biden’s ‘Vigor’ and ‘Energy’ in Interview Just Months Ago – RedState

Far be from me to call First Lady Jill Biden a li— let’s just call her a “truth-stretcher.”

With a growing number of Democrat lawmakers calling on Joe Biden to bow out of the presidential race in the aftermath of not only his humiliating debate performance but also his equally humiliating interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, along with multiple other lapses, a January interview with the pretend doctor in which she sang her husband’s praises warrants a revisit. 

Mrs. Biden told “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski in January:

He can do it. I see Joe every day. I see him out traveling around this country. I see his vigor. I see his energy. I see his passion. He has wisdom. He has experience. He knows every leader on the world stage. He’s lived history. He knows history. He’s thoughtful in his decisions. He is the right man, the right person for the job at this moment in…

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