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What’s the Best Fried Chicken – Light or Dark? Turns Out, It’s Both

It’s summer, and all across America, grills are daily being fired up. Americans love some burgers and dogs on the grill, but that doesn’t negate our love for another great American staple — fried chicken. It’s so deeply ingrained into Americana as to be inseparable; I even went to Army basic training with a guy from the South who talked so endlessly about his mother’s fried chicken that we ended up calling him “Fried Chicken.” But there is always the brisk discussion when serving up the fried birds — light meat or dark?

Turns out (unsurprisingly) that there are good arguments to be made for both, nutrition and flavor.

Four ounces of boneless skinless chicken breast have about 120 calories, Michelle Rauch, a registered dietitian and nutritionist based in New Jersey, told Fox News Digital in an email.

Conversely, “a 4-ounce chicken thigh (skinless) contains approximately 150…

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