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White House Still Lying About Parkinson’s Expert Visits – HotAir

As recently as yesterday, reporters were unable to get Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to comment on the frequent visits of Parkinson’s Disease expert Dr. Kevin Cannard to see Joe Biden. But a vague attempt at an explanation showed up in the form of a letter from the President’s personal physician, Dr. Kevin O’Connor later in the day. He admitted that Dr. Cannard had come to see Biden eight times in as many months (!) but didn’t delve into the specifics of the discussions. All that was said was that Cannard had seen Biden as part of his annual physical exams. This rather weak explanation raises many questions, but the one thing that seems obvious is that the White House is continuing to lie about what’s going on with the President’s health and cognitive capabilities in the midst of multiple national and global crises. (NY Post)

The White House admitted Monday that a…

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