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America Founded on ‘Christian Nationalism’

Sen. Josh Hawley spoke Monday night at the National Conservatism Conference.In his speech, he contrasted “Christian nationalism” with other kinds of nationalism. “The nationalism of Rome led to blood-thirst and conquest; the old pagan tribalisms led to ethnic hatred. The empires of the East crushed the individual, and the blood-and-soil nativism of Europe in the last two centuries led to savagery and genocide,” the Missouri Republican said.

“By contrast, Augustine’s Christian nationalism has been the boast of the West. It has been our moral center and supplied our most cherished ideals. Just think: those stern Puritans, disciples of Augustine, gave us limited government and liberty of conscience and popular sovereignty.”

“Because of our Christian heritage, we protect the liberty of all to worship according to conscience. Because of our Christian tradition,…

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