Hot Air

Trump Ahead of Every Possible Democrat Candidate – HotAir


This isn’t encouraging for Democrats at all, although I suppose you can argue that since Trump is below 50% in every matchup in the latest Emerson poll, the results don’t spell D O O M. Assuming every undecided voter breaks for the Democrat. 

The poll, taken over the past two days, is a high-water mark for Trump showing him close to breaking the 50% mark in most matchups, although it is interesting to see that Biden and Harris do the best against Trump and are at equal support, although Trump actually does the best against Harris. 

That actually says quite a bit about how unpopular Kamala Harris is. She is no more popular than a man widely acknowledged as a vegetable. Whitmer and Shapiro can at least claim that their name ID is low, explaining their worse numbers against Trump. If you think Biden is being humiliated in public by staying in the race, Kamala’s humiliation is…

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