Biden’s Cognitive Issues Are Destined for Memory Hole
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Biden’s Cognitive Issues Are Destined for Memory Hole

There will be no reckoning among Democrats and their media lapdogs regarding their yearslong effort to hide President Joe Biden’s mental decline. No one will lose their job, precisely because they were doing their job—spinning false narratives to keep the Left in power.

And, let there be no doubt, they will keep doing it.

The current focus on Biden’s unfitness will last only until Democrats determine whether or not they can force him out. That effort won’t be easy. Biden is an empty suit with a boundless ego—he truly believes he is a modern-day FDR. Withdrawing because you’re not “all there” would be deeply humiliating.

If it becomes clear Joe won’t go, the party and its propaganda outlets will quickly pivot. Discussions of his physical and mental capacities will be shoved down the memory hole. His continuing gaffes and incoherence will be largely…

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