Joe Biden challenged Donald Trump to a golf contest at the debate. It was, perhaps, the funniest exchange ever during one.
IMHO, it may go down as the best moment ever between two candidates. When else in his life has President Trump been able to say, “Let’s not act like children” and look reasonable saying it? Trump may have many fine qualities, but projecting sober gravitas is not something he does on a regular basis. He is more into hyperbole, less into Obamaesque uplifing words.
He even got a sly shot in about Biden’s boasts about having great sex with Jill. Remember when Biden boasted that the secret to his happy marriage with Jill was having great sex? (Ewwww…)
Watch. It is genuinely hilarious.
You will notice that–twice–Biden challenged Trump to a a golf contest. Once, a driving contest, and second a…