Hot Air

EVidently Lousy EV Demand Is EViscerating EVeryone’s Prior Plans – HotAir

For a government-mandated, bet-the-farm sure thing, our purely electric vehicle future sure has been nothing but an ongoing litany of bad news. I, for one, sure have been fascinated watching –  and documenting – as the whole grifting Green, not-ready-for-prime-time scheme falls apart in real-time.

So here I am with today’s round-up of sobering reality checks on what happens when climate cult fever dreams meet a free marketplace.

In yet another blow to the already reeling German economy – again, thank you, Greens – Volkswagen has once more drawn an EV blank and come up fahrvernügies.

Well, shoot. What happened there?

…It noted that it is also considering the restructuring or potential shutdown of its Audi plant in Brussels, where it employs 3,000…

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