News Busters

Mika and NBC Doc Double-Team Zeke Emanuel on Biden Acuity

Zeke Emanuel Mika Brzezinski Vin Gupta MSNBC Morning Joe 7-10-24  “I think Joe Biden is quite robust relative to what we see normal aging at 81 . . . He’s actually quite high-functioning as an octogenarian.” — Dr. Vin Gupta, NBC News medical contributor, on Wednesday’s Morning Joe.

If Biden is “relatively robust” and “quite high-functioning” compared to other octogenarians, we’d hate to see an average one!

Mika Brzezinski brought Gupta on to add a pro-Biden counter to what her guest Dr. Zeke Emanuel has written and would be saying. Zeke is a former Obama medical adviser, brother to Rahm, and a devoted Democrat who said that despite everything, he would definitely vote for Biden.

But Emanuel has written an article in The Atlantic entitled, “There Are Exceptionally Sharp Octogenarians. Biden Isn’t One.” In it, he wrote:

“The problem isn’t President Biden’s age; it’s his ability to function. From Ben Franklin to…

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