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Archeologists Find Musket Balls Fired By Patriots During First Battle Of American Revolution

Archeologists announced on Tuesday that they had discovered five musket balls in Massachusetts likely fired by Patriot forces at the British during the first battle in America’s war for independence. 

The National Park Service said that the musket balls were found at the North Bridge Battle site in Concord, Massachusetts, part of the Lexington and Concord battlefield. According to the archeologists, the musket balls were fired by members of a colonial militia that had mustered on April 19, 1775, to confront the British who were in Concord to confiscate a colonist ammunition store. 

“It’s incredible that we can stand here and hold what amounts to just a few seconds of history that changed the world almost 250 years ago,” said Minute Man Park Ranger and historic weapons specialist Jarrad Fuoss. “These musket balls can be considered collectively as ‘The Shot Heard Round the…

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