POTATUS keeps touting his letter writers and signees as proof in the pudding for whatever wool he’s trying to pull over the public’s eyes. As if Expert™ testimonials that Joe’s a Good Boy aren’t enough, he always has to resort to “Guess what?” a dare, and his patented creepy-asterisk whisper to deliver the message.
Biden brings out his creepy whisper: “Guess what? Find me an economist who said we haven’t done well?” pic.twitter.com/MYoD5rnxep
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 11, 2024
I mean, geddoudaheeyah with that tired crap already.
Biden’s doing that creepy whisper thing and saying “and guess what” repeatedly.
I thought those “16 Nobel Lauretes” only said Trump would cause an inflation bomb?— JenWendCincy (@jenwendcincy) July 11, 2024
If his economic experts were anything like his 51 Intelligence Experts™, which they undoubtedly were, it would explain why his…