They want Joe to go. The left-leaning “mainstream” media could not be making their views on Joe Biden clearer. Headline after headline portrays this, that or another Democrat leaking a headline somewhere that, sad as it is, Joe must go.
As if running their own Times editorial headlining this were not enough?
To Serve His Country, President Biden Should Leave the Race
To add insult to injury The Times felt compelled to give actor George Clooney space to trash the Democrat President. Clooney’s headline:
George Clooney: I Love Joe Biden. But We Need a New Nominee.
In which Clooney – who a mere three weeks earlier hosted a Hollywood-style fundraiser bringing in zillions for Biden from Clooney’s fellow lefties – now turns on Biden and says, reluctantly of course, that Joe must go.
It is safe to say the liberal media has been living out a…