China’s ‘Reform’ Plenum to Disappoint Investors Hoping for Lifeline
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China’s ‘Reform’ Plenum to Disappoint Investors Hoping for Lifeline

Investors have had a bumpy ride in China recently, and Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s policies have made things only worse. Some are looking to an upcoming meeting of the Chinese Communist Party leadership to set things straight, but they’ll almost certainly be disappointed.

The CCP Central Committee, consisting of some 370 senior officials, will meet Monday through Thursday for their third plenary session since taking office in 2022.

Since 1978, third plenum meetings have been associated with economic reforms. That year, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping used the third plenum to advance his “reform and opening” agenda, which helped turn what was then an economic basket case into the powerhouse China is today.

Although most subsequent third plenums have been less game-changing, these meetings usually focus on long-term economic priorities, making them the natural…

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