The Rent Is Too Damn High – HotAir
Hot Air

The Rent Is Too Damn High – HotAir

Sometimes, timing works for you, and other days, like today, it is your mortal enemy. 

Just a few minutes ago, I finished taping a new edition of my Duane’s World podcast

, which will drop Wednesday morning featuring a terrific interview with former Missouri Senator Jim Talent. We covered all the latest news that seems to be flowing like a fire hose these days. 

But the second we finished recording, clips from the President’s trip to Las Vegas for the NAACP conference showed up online, and had it been available an hour sooner, I would have covered this wall-to-wall. 

Over the past couple of weeks, Joe Biden has latched onto the failed and disastrous economic vision of rent control as the solution to high inflation that’s been throttling the economic condition of millions of Americans across the country. Never mind the fact that every area in the country has its own cost of living…

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