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Steve Scalise Wraps RNC Speech With His Take On Trump Assassination Attempt

House Majority Leader Steve Scalise (R-LA) wrapped up his Tuesday evening speech at the Republican National Convention (RNC) with his take on the recent attempt on former President Donald Trump’s life and a reference to the 2017 shooting that nearly took his.

Scalise began his remarks by laying out a list of things that President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris had done to destroy American prosperity and success — and explaining what Trump would do in a second term to right the ship.

“I was born in New Orleans,” he said, “So I’ve seen some crazy things in my time. But New Orleans has nothing on Washington, D.C., these last four years. Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have spent your tax dollars trashing America’s finances in ways no sane or sober-minded person ever would.”


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