News Busters

Do NOT Praise Trump’s New Tone!

Donald Trump Jonathan Lemire MSNBC Morning JOe 7-19-24 Jonathan, Jonathan: you’re not supposed to say this kind of stuff on live national TV!

Save it for whatever is the dark web successor to JournoList, where liberal media types can reach consensus on the approved lib talking points of the day!

In a bizarre bit of saying the quiet part out loud, on today’s Morning Joe, Jonathan Lemire, MSNBC’s Way Too Early host and Politico’s White House bureau chief, issued marching orders to the rest of the liberal media.

“I do think we need a moratorium here in the media about Donald Trump’s — praising Donald Trump’s new tone. That doesn’t ever happen on this show, mind you.”

So Morning Joe‘s worried that, after an incredibly successful RNC in which Trump struck a softer tone, the media might actually report that, giving Trump an electoral boost.

Then there was Lemire’s equally hilarious and superfluous addendum:


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