Hot Air

Tiny Trump Beads of Flop Sweat Forming on Pursed Pulitzer Prize Winning Upper Lips – HotAir

Things were hopping this weekend, weren’t they? Gracious goodness, such a whirlwind of news that other kinds of interesting but nonetheless important in-context news get missed or overlooked

This is where I come in, being the JV clean-up batter around here sometimes.

Doing the headline section on the weekends does have its advantages. Not only do I have the breaking news aspect of whatever has lit the world on fire at the moment, but I can squirrel away little nuggets that I’ll pull out later to share and then crack the shells with you all more in-depth.

As POTATUS was issuing his stunning abdication notice and we were keeping a running total of “yeas” and “nays” in Kamala’s corner, reports came in that a Florida circuit judge had issued a ruling on a case related to something that goes back a couple of years.

Perhaps you’ve heard of it?


Yes, the debunked Russia…

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