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I Got Banned by LinkedIn for Using ‘American’ in a Job Posting

After I posted a job opening on LinkedIn last summer for my new online journal, New Guard Press, the social media site removed the listing, citing “discrimination.”

My crime? I wrote that my post sought “young writers who believe in our mission of reviving American culture.”

 A label on that job posting for New Guard Press in my LinkedIn account still says it was “removed for discrimination.” I originally got the notification on July 4, 2023.  

This was not the first time I had trouble with LinkedIn’s Jobs section. Two days earlier, I had received the same notification for an almost identical job posting. I appealed, asking LinkedIn to take a second look.

I hoped that a more reasonable person would review the job posting, see that there was nothing remotely discriminatory about it, and return the post to the platform.  

Twelve minutes after I…

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