The man who told authorities that he traveled from California to Maryland with the intent to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh will be heading to trial, court documents show.
Nicholas John Roske, then 26, traveled to the Kavanaugh home in Maryland in June 2022 with the express intent of killing Kavanaugh and two other justices after he saw their addresses posted online, according to a U.S. Department of Justice affidavit. Authorities found him carrying soft-soled boots, a Glock pistol, a tactical knife, two pistol magazines, pepper spray, a crow bar, a screwdriver, and a hammer.
“I’m gonna stop Roe v. Wade from being overturned,” Roske told a friend in an online conversation, according to an FBI search warrant obtained by Fox News, saying he would “remove some people from the Supreme Court.”
That friend told Roske that “two dead judges ain’t…