Hot Air

¿Qué Pasa? Newsom in Sudden Rush to Scrape Homeless Off CA Streets and From Under Highways – HotAir

Something’s in the air. And oleaginous Gov having Newsom has caught a whiff of it and likes the smell. It’s called “clean and safe streets.”

Now, it is a little strange that the Randall Flagg clone has suddenly been moved by some impulse to dive into the homeless problem. It’s not like he hasn’t made the issue a centerpiece of his campaigns, like, forever and truly been the most successful politician in America at covering his streets with tents, needles, the addicts to go with them, poop, and garbage so deep the rats are grossed out.

People are just cynical enough to wonder if it doesn’t have to do with the recent SCOTUS decision untying homeless clean-up efforts and annotating a former…

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