We have long said that Univision, as a corporate Democrat client, has placed immigration at the apex of the policies it champions, but necessarily promotes the rest of the far-left policy pupu platter. Never has this been on more stark display than in the network’s platforming of a pro-Hamas DACA beneficiary just prior to the violent desecration of D.C.’s Union Station in protest of Benjamin Netanyahu’s recent address before a joint session of Congress.
Watch as D.C. correspondent Edwin Pitti knowingly and willingly platforms bilious anti-American hate:
12:07 PM
EDWIN PITTI: We’re live on Univision so you can tell me what it means for you, as an immigrant, to be here today.
ARLENE: Yes. Good afternoon. As I was telling you before- my name is Arlene, I am an immigrant, I am a DACA beneficiary. And…