This is so classically Panhandle sleazy – I can’t stand it.
Now, I will admit to knowing all the players personally, having helped out the GOP locally since McCain’s campaign, then ran the county team (which was…me) for Rubio’s original guerilla senate campaign and, by the time of Trump’s election, social-climbed my way into vice-chair of the county Republican Party. #SmoothOperator
Good times. Kept me busy.
Anyway, Matt Gaetz is my congressman, and what a change from the sober, hardworking, honest af Chumuckla farmer we had for years before him (who was elected after Joe ScrewYourBorough *spits* quit in a fit of pique because W didn’t give him the flashy D.C. gig he thought he rated), Jeff Miller – whom we all adored. Just a good, good man.
Matt’s daddy, Don is a forever name in Florida politics and at the statehouse, and they’re a very well-to-do family in their own right. So…