When I ran for governor, a reporter accused me of believing “men are smarter than women.”
Research shows, I wrote in a 20-year-old column, women know and care more about social security, health care and education. When asked, however, about 25 political questions, men were more likely to answer correctly in 15, men and women answered the same in nine, and women answered more correctly than men in only one. I quoted a left-wing journalism professor who said the reason women knew less than men about those questions is that they are more likely than men to watch local news. She said, “Watching local news makes you dumber.” This became translated to: “Elder thinks women are dumber than men.”
This brings us to Ohio Sen. J.D. Vance, former President Donald Trump’s running mate. The AP wrote: “During Vance’s bid for the Senate in Ohio, he said in a…