I hate to interrupt all the (premature) celebrating on the Democrat side since they unchained themselves from “the dying anvil that was Joe Biden that was dragging them down into the murky depths of the lake named Guaranteed Election 2024 Loser Lake”, but Kamala Harris and the Democrats are still making some big mistakes when it comes to their campaign to hold onto the presidency in 2024.
Yup, that’s right, you heard things correctly. Despite all the mainstream media propaganda, the Democrats are the ones making three yuge mistakes since Vice President Kamala Harris leaped into the ring to replace the old, senile, and broken-down Biden.
First, Kamala Harris and the Democrats just can’t seem to quit their campaign attack on Donald Trump for being the devil. Meaning, they continue to portray Trump as a man who is a particularly corrupt and crude barbarian crook who abuses…