Hot Air

Boeing Gets Massive Contract With Air Force for Some Reason – HotAir

We’ve spent a fair amount of time and column space here in 2024 covering stories about Boeing, and nearly all of them have involved bad news of one type or another. Bad news for Boeing, bad news for the flying public, and most recently, bad news for NASA’s astronauts. But this week, Boeing announced some good news for a change. Or at least it’s good news for them. Despite all of the problems Boeing has experienced and all of the questions that have been raised about their production methods and quality control, the United States government has awarded a contract worth more than $2.5 billion to Boeing to build more planes for the Air Force. As the old saying goes, what could possibly go wrong? (Gateway Pundit)

Boeing has announced that it has been awarded a $2.56 billion dollar contract from the U.S. Air Force to manufacture E-7A AEW&C Wedgetail aircraft. This is despite the company…

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