Do you want a perspective other than the stifling woke orthodoxy being imposed on society through classrooms, TV shows, and corporate boardrooms? Tired of seeing “LGBTQ” this and “BIPOC” or “AAPI” that? Do you want a discussion of ideas without constant identity politics?
You just might be a white supremacist.
That’s essentially the message of the Southern Poverty Law Center’s latest attack on the mainstream conservative Christian law firm Alliance Defending Freedom. You see, ADF had the gall to launch a “Viewpoint Diversity Score” to broaden the discussion in corporate boardrooms beyond the Left’s sacred cows.
The SPLC can’t stand for that, so it’s reaching for the tired old “white supremacy” card once again.
The SPLC gained its reputation by suing Ku Klux Klan groups into bankruptcy, but it weaponized that reputation to smear…