News Busters

WaPo Journo Asks How Biden-Harris Admin Can Quash Trump-Musk Interview

A Washington Post journalist had the gall to ask the Biden-Harris administration what it could do to block former President Donald Trump’s speech from being heard by the voting public.

Noting Trump’s scheduled interview with X owner Elon Musk Monday, Washington Post White House reporter Cleve Wootson whined that the former president might utter so-called “misinformation.” Seemingly oblivious to the First Amendment, which allows his occupation to exist, Wootson asked White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre “What role does the White House or the president have in sort of stopping that or stopping the spread of [misinformation] or sort of intervening in that?”

Wootson attempted to dress up his anti-free speech question by framing it as an all-American perspective. “I think that misinformation on Twitter is not just a campaign issue. It’s a…

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