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Mental Health Concerns Are Exploding in the Younger Generation

The family unit, social interaction, and politics are a few of the many variables that impact a developing adolescent. When a child’s family unit is broken, social life is in shambles, or the political public square becomes unavoidable, it can have consequences on who they become as their worldview takes shape.

As evidenced by previous reports, as well as one published last month, mental health concerns are exploding in the younger generation.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration conducted a July survey that analyzed the amount of counseling, medication, or other forms of mental health therapy minors underwent in 2023. According to the results, 8.3 million youth ages 12 to 17 received mental health care, which The Epoch Times noted “is equivalent to nearly one-third of the adolescents in the U.S. undergoing treatment for mental health…

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