American kids are now taught that before Christopher Columbus wrecked things, peaceful Native Americans protected the environment.
Hollywood movies feed the narrative. Disney’s “Pocahontas” sings, “I know every rock and tree and creature has a life, has a spirit, has a name.”
Political science professor Wilfred Reilly says that’s ridiculous.
“Native American hunters gave names to every rabbit in the woods around them?” Reilly asks. “That’s not a real thing that happened.”
Reilly’s new book “Lies My Liberal Teacher Told Me” and my new video debunk such myths.
“We’ve gone into almost this cultlike romanticization of the Natives,” says Reilly. “They were great warriors and poets, but they hunted buffalo by driving herds of them off 100-foot-tall cliffs.”
A U.S. government guide for teachers says: “Native Americans lived in…