Red state

There’s a Truly Awesome New Ad for Trump…Featuring a Little Help From Kamala – RedState

If the media were honest, they would be admitting that Kamala Harris has had a rough start to her campaign. She picked a running mate who makes Howard Dean seem calm and coherent, not to mention all the swirling scandals resulting from his problem with the truth over stolen valor and other issues.

Then there are her own issues with ducking the press, failing to answer questions, or do interviews. She had no policies on her website but did manage to appropriate her opponents’ policies like no tax on tips and increasing the child tax credit. 

When she finally put out a policy of her own – saying she was for price controls on corporations – she got blasted by both CNN and a columnist in the Washington Post. The article made the point that maybe when you’re accused of being a communist, don’t propose policies that help feed the term. 

READ MORE:  WaPo Busts Kamala in Glorious…

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