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Young Americans Face Bleak Financial Future

Editor’s note: This is a lightly edited transcript of the accompanying video from professor Peter St. Onge.

America’s Hometown Newspaper finally noticed young Americans are screwed.

A few days ago, USA Today wrote an article asking why millennials and Gen Z are “spiraling, partying hard, and blowing their savings.”

I’ve mentioned in previous videos how young Americans are doom-spending their way to financial oblivion amid low-paying jobs, a half-decade of transitory inflation, and half a million dollars for a starter home.

USA Today quotes twentysomethings admitting there are no jobs and they can’t save any money but they’re “just kind of letting the days go by, bouncing from job to job, partying, and just kind of acting like everything will work out.”

As a Washington Post editor puts it, millennials and Gen Z are just “embracing an ethos of…

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