Late Saturday evening, we learned that Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov had been detained by authorities in France. The information at the time was scant, but the issue seemed to center around claims that the platform was failing to properly moderate content.
Following news of Durov’s arrest, both Tucker Carlson and X owner Elon Musk spoke out, with Musk tweeting “#FreePavel” and Carlson stating in a tweet:
Pavel Durov left Russia when the government tried to control his social media company, Telegram. But in the end, it wasn’t Putin who arrested him for allowing the public to exercise free speech. It was a western country, a Biden administration ally and enthusiastic NATO member, that locked him away. Pavel Durov sits in a French jail tonight, a living warning to any platform owner who refuses to censor the truth at the behest of governments and intel agencies. Darkness is…