Daily wire

Democrat Voters Have Been Hypnotized By Media Flunkies

Election season is now in full swing and voters are listening carefully to the ideas and policies of their candidates and taking the full measure of their vision and intentions for the future of this country, if they’re Republican voters. If they’re Democrat voters, of course, they have no idea what their candidates believe and they’ve simply been hypnotized into stupidity by media flunkies with all the integrity of jack-in-the-box jesters who bob up and down on their springs with grinning faces chattering mesmeric platitudes until they’ve turned the Democrat party into a shambling mob of idiots shuffling toward November with slack mouths and empty eyes as if they were zombies, if zombies were lemmings, if lemmings actually walked blindly off cliffs like zombies who were lemmings acting like zombies or like Democrats.

So today, as an exclusive service of The Daily Wire,…

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