Hot Air

‘Russian Disinformation’ Is Some…Uh…Terrifying Stuff – HotAir

How wrong does misinformation have to be to be DISinformation, and how fiendishly slanted to be a sinister Russian election interference plant?

These are frightening times, my fellow Americans.

We of the knuckle-dragging classes should be grateful that there are vigilant public servants, standing always at the ready, dedicated to shielding us from foreign bad actors.

Protecting us from ourselves and our own worst impulses to believe the unbelievable.

Such a paragon of justice and unselfish sacrifice for the common good is Merrick “Goose” Garland, Attorney General of the United States.

He and his crack team of unbiased justice department investigators are on guard and actively seeking out the ee-ville doers to preserve truth, justice, the American way, and the Democratic hold on power.

He made his move boldly two days ago against a snake pit of Russian subversives spreading harmful…

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