Red state

Woke People Don’t Understand Why Woke Creations and Movements Keep Failing… Allow Me – RedState

Cancel culture isn’t going away. The brutal truth is that it’s an effective tool that can change the cultural and political landscape without having to go through a lengthy election process or petition a corporate board to change up some of their corporation’s policies. 

Both the right and the left use cancel culture, but one with greater effect than the other. Despite the fact that the left is a lot louder about it, the right’s use of cancel culture is a lot more substantial and lasting. Bud Light is a solid example of this. Target even got shy about its annual LGBTQ displays during Pride Month. As I speak, Robby Starbuck is utilizing the mere threat of cancellation to get corporations to back off radical leftist-based policy positions and DEI agenda items. 

(READ: Coors Announces It’s Ditching Everything DEI and Woke After Threatened With Exposure)

The right utilizes cancel…

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