Hot Air

Hunter Biden ‘All Smiles’ After Guilty Plea. He Should Be – HotAir

If there’s anyone who was truly “shocked” by Hunter Biden’s decision on Thursday to plead guilty to all charges in his California tax fraud case, they clearly haven’t been paying attention. You might expect that after entering that many guilty pleas on charges that could bring 17 years behind bars (keeping in mind that he’s already a convicted felon), a person might be feeling a bit down in the dumps. But that wasn’t the case with the First Son yesterday. He was seen heading out to a ritzy Malibu restaurant with his entourage, smiling like a person without a care in the world. There probably isn’t much of a mystery behind this appearance either because Hunter very likely doesn’t have a care in the world. Things may have gone south for his father considerably over the past couple of months, but for Hunter, the timing likely couldn’t be better, as we’ll explore in a moment. (NY…

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