Red state

If Trump Outperforms Polls by a Mere 1 Point—It’s Game Over – RedState

CNN’s enthusiastic Senior Data Reporter Harry Enten said Friday that the presidential contest is historically tight and that the slightest shift in momentum could alter the outcome. Moreover, he added, if Donald Trump outperforms current polling by a mere point—which is certainly possible, if not likely, given recent presidential elections—he’ll be strolling into the Oval Office in January 2025.

Polls in 2016 and 2020 consistently—and famously—underestimated Trump’s support.

Enten pointed out that no race has been this tight in decades, a fact which has to be giving cause for the former president to smile while drawing mournful frowns from Team Kamala.

“We‘re talking about the closest campaign in a generation where a single point could make all the difference in the world,” Enten told CNN anchor John Berman on Friday.

The reporter began by stating that no presidential…

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