Red state

Joe Biden Laughably Hoist With Own Petard During Bumbling Remarks at Black Excellence Brunch – RedState

Back in July, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump prompted the left and their media allies to become in desperate need of smelling salts after uttering one now-infamous line during an in-person interview he did at the National Association of Black Journalists (NABJ) convention.

“I will tell you, that coming from the border are millions and millions of people who happen to be taking black jobs,” Trump said at the time, echoing a similar line he uttered during his June debate with Joe Biden.

As usual, mockery and fauxrage ensued from The Usual Suspects on both occasions, with the Biden campaign releasing an ad on it within days of the June debate and Biden himself later popping off about Trump’s remarks and how allegedly offensive they were.

“I love his phrase ‘black jobs.’ Tells a lot about the man and about his character,” Biden stated during a speech at the NAACP convention in…

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