Hot Air

Sorry About Registering All Those Illegals to Vote – HotAir

One of the surest ways to be attacked by the progressive left is to raise the issue of illegal migrants voting in American elections. Should you do so, you will be accused of fearmongering, promoting “white nationalism,” and, of course, racism. We are regularly assured that in the incredibly rare cases where such a thing might happen, it’s a simple case of “new arrivals” becoming confused by our complex system of registration and voting. No harm, no foul! A recent analysis conducted by the Oregon Department of Transportation is going to make that defense much harder for people to accept, however. It turns out that in just the past few years, Oregon has registered literally hundreds of Joe Biden’s illegal migrants to vote and at least some of them cast ballots illegally. So how did that happen and what can be done about it? It turns out that the state opened the door to making it…

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