News Busters

It’s ‘Offensive’ Trump Is Close, Reflects Badly on USA

Michael Steele MSNBC The Weekend 9-14-24 Shades of Hillary’s deplorables! Scratch a liberal, and disdain for the great unwashed masses of Trump supporters will often emerge.

Just as it was in 2016 when Hillary let “deplorables” slip, so it was with Michael Steele today, co-host of The Weekend on MSNBC.

After playing a clip of Trump suggesting that Kamala Harris might have been given the debate questions in advance, and had something in her ear transmitting instructions, Steele said:

“The fact he is running close in this race, to me, is offensive. Because it says a lot about us as Americans if you believe this guy.”

Yes, those Trump believers are offensive to Steele. He forgets Salena Zito’s brilliant observation on Trump in 2016:

“The press takes him literally, but not seriously; his supporters take him seriously, but not literally.”

The people in Las Vegas cheering Trump didn’t necessarily…

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