Red state

Alaska Man Monday – Dumb Crooks, Garbage, and Local Heroes – RedState

Life in a small town can be interesting. As the old saying goes, “Bad gas travels fast in a small town,” so you want to exercise some discretion in your gossip, but there are always a few people in any small community who can be relied upon to be up-to-date on all the local news. Usually, these folks work someplace where everyone goes; the post office, the gas station, the liquor store. When one moves into one of these small communities it usually takes some time to dope out just who has reliable gossip news of the neighborhood and who is blowing smoke, but once you do, I can promise you more accurate and more interesting news than you’re liable to get from the local newspaper.

So this week, speaking of news, we have a couple of dumb crooks and a few local heroes.

Were they trying to steal… garbage?

Alaska State Troopers found Jeantamas Brown, 42, and Scott Aiken, 61,…

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