News Busters

Jewish Student Attacked at University of Michigan

It was only a matter of time for the Left’s rhetoric to devolve from “punch a Nazi” to “Punch a Jew.”

In the name of fighting bigotry, our universities have turned their campuses into the streets of 1930’s Europe. Spotting the Jew is now becoming as common of a game as playing beer pong at a frat party. 

Thus, it’s no surprise a gang of thugs pummeled a Jewish student outside the University of Michigan at around 1:00 am,  Sunday morning.

“Are you Jewish?” a group of “unknown males” reportedly asked the 19 year old who was approached as he was walking outside the campus Jewish Resource Center. After replying “yes,” the thugs allegedly threw him to the ground, kicking and spitting on him.

Then, they fled.

“There is no place for hate or ethnic intimidation in the City of Ann Arbor,” their local Police Chief Andre Anderson…

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