Hot Air

Reading the Lie of the Green (and Polls) – HotAir

Reading the lie of the green is a golf term that has to do with helping you increase your score by having to putt less. If you’ve seen any tournament on television or even in person, golfers have all sorts of mannerisms they display when sizing up a putt. Sometimes, they squat and stare. Other times, they walk in a large circle all the way around the ball and the hole to see it from all 360 degrees. You’ve seen golfers hold up their putter like a pendulum to help measure what slope there is, if any. In politics, especially when media gets involved, there’s reading the lie of the green, too.

Hugh Hewitt, for the nearly 25 years I’ve been producer of the Hugh Hewitt Show, has preached for media to disclose who they vote for and abandon the ridiculous veil of neutrality when it comes to how they cover politics. Most Americans are pretty smart about this, and can usually sniff out where…

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