Red state

Doocy Wrecks Biden and Harris for Demonizing Trump, Causing an Epic KJP Meltdown – RedState

In the wake of a second assassination on former President Donald Trump, Republicans and all sane people are calling on Democrats to scale back the inciting language. They shouldn’t need such an event to get them to do the right thing. 

But some are now doubling down, like New York Magazine’s Jonathan Chait, who said that Trump is a threat to democracy, so it wasn’t “inciting” to say it. 

Then there was Hillary Clinton, who went all in on continuing to say Trump was dangerous, and even seemed to admonish media who might not, saying media should have a “consistent narrative” about how dangerous Trump was. 

Think about that for a second. The implication of that language and what she’s really saying. How dare any media go off narrative and not say he’s dangerous? This is the narrative, and you all should be following what we say. That’s what she thinks; that’s what many Democrats…

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