News Busters

PolitiFact Throws Its 200TH ‘Pants On Fire’ Tag at Trump

Kamala Harris consented to a puffball panel discussion with the National Association of Black Journalists on September 17, and it was announced that PolitiFact would engage in live “fact checking.” Their Twitter feed then displayed 14 checks on Kamala’s answers. The first one was labeled “False,” and all of the rest of them were “True,” “Accurate,” or basically okey-dokey.

On September 11, PolitiFact hit a new milestone in leftist aggression. Donald Trump was thumped with a “Pants on Fire” tag for the 200th time with “they’re eating the pets” in Springfield, Ohio. He’s been tagged with flaming pants 12 times since June 1.

Kamala Harris, by contrast, has zero. She was first elected statewide in California in 2010. Your two candidates this year, not exactly “neck and neck” at 200 to nothing.

Now compare this to national…

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