Hot Air

I Specifically Requested a Pager Without Explosives – HotAir

News about the brilliant IDF attack on Hezbollah fighters in Lebanon Tuesday resulting in at least nine deaths and significant injuries to thousands of other fighters has slowly been leaking out. The slow pace is understandable, as Israel clearly doesn’t want to let all of their cats out of the bag at once, but more details continue to come to light. These include general descriptions of not only how the explosives operated, but also how they were triggered. First of all, the message that all of the fighters received was disguised to appear as if it was coming from senior Hezbollah leadership. Further, the pagers were rigged in such a way that a coded message would cause the batteries inside the pager to overheat, triggering the explosives that were hidden inside. This is turning out to be one of the most effective mass attacks in the history of counterterrorism, not to mention…

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