Hot Air

Rig a Debate? Who, Us? – HotAir

Didn’t they do this last week too? Indeed they did. The fact that ABC News feels the need to keep responding to claims that they corrupted the debate process may indicate that their denials lack credibility with a certain segment of the American populace.

That would be the segment that actually watched ABC News cook the presidential debate with one-sided and phony “fact checks,” as well as the questions asked — and those not asked. 

Anyway, the Daily Beast got another denial from ABC News yesterday, but only limited to the allegations in a “whistleblower affidavit” that has made the rounds on social media:

The document was first published Sunday—by an X account with nearly 100,000 followers, and the name “Black Insurrectionist”—as a six-page “affidavit,” which claimed to have been written by an ABC technical worker the day before the debate.

The name of the person who…

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