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Mother of Woman Raped and Murdered by Illegal Immigrant Gives Heartbreaking Testimony Before Congress – RedState

Patty Morin, whose daughter was raped and murdered by an illegal immigrant, testified before Congress for the second time as the border crisis remains a significant problem facing the nation.

The mother gave a heartbreaking testimony recounting the moment she found out her daughter had been killed. Her remarks demonstrated the human toll the border crisis has had on far too many Americans due to the Biden-Harris administration’s failure to address immigration.

We got the phone call, and the phone call went something like this. “Hello, Mom. There’s somebody here that’d like to speak to you.” “Okay. Hello.” “Hello, Mrs. Morin. This is Detective So-and-so. There’s no easy way to tell you this. We found your daughter’s body.” I had just learned a few hours earlier that she was missing. We didn’t know she was missing. She went on a trail in our town that’s very public, very small, and…

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