News Busters

Scarborough Tells Hillary ‘How Much I Loved You From The Start’

Mika Brzezinski Joe Scarborough Hillary Clinton MSNBC Morning Joe 9-19-24 Joe and Hillary: a love story. Who knew?

Hillary appeared on today’s Morning Joe to promote her latest book, a fourth memoir. Scarborough began the interview by recounting how, attending his first White House picnic as a congressman, the Hillary he encountered was very different from the one he anticipated.

He and other Republicans had run on the notion that Bill Clinton, Al Gore and Hillary were all Marxists. After the picnic, Joe was invited on a conservative talk radio show and asked to share his impressions of the trio. Whereas he confirmed that Bill and Gore “breathed fire,” he found Hillary to be not a Marxist, but a “Midwest Methodist.” That made the radio hosts’ heads explode, said Scarborough.

Despite saying she was reticent to talk about her faith, Hillary then proceeded to describe how central it is to her being. Scarborough said that only having…

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