Red state

‘An Illegal Action From Kamala Harris Doesn’t Make an Alien Legal’ – RedState

There is a term in linguistics called the “drift of the signifieds.” In this phenomenon, a symbol remains the same but the meaning attributed to that symbol changes. 

For example: The red flag of the Bolsheviks, in the early Soviet Union, was the symbol of anarchist revolution, but it later became the symbol of mindless conformity. For another example, consider how the word “gay” has changed in apparent meaning since, say, World War 2.

On the immigration issue, in the United States today, there seems to be an opposite effect holding; the actions by certain people, illegal immigrants, have not changed, but the terms used by the left to describe these illegal invaders have changed – the left calls them “migrants,” or even “undocumented residents.”

That is, of course, balderdash, as GOP vice presidential contender JD Vance is pointing out.

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